Hello NGS. Nice to meet you.
Did you know Next-Generation Sequencing could be so easy?
Be honest: When you hear next-generation sequencing, do you have difficult technology and high costs in mind? Do you prefer Sanger sequencing because that’s what you know and understand? Many of our customers used to think that way. But the step to NGS is much easier and much more newbie-friendly than you think. Let us show you how you and your research can benefit from trying something new. Let us introduce you to the most convenient NGS services imaginable.
Don’t think you need hundreds of samples in order to use high-throughput sequencing economically. At Eurofins Genomics, we do NGS even for a single sample. Due to the big number of recurring NGS customers, we are able to consistently run our state-of-the-art Illumina NovaSeq 6000 platform on full capacity, whether you send us one sample or one hundred. Learn more about how next-generation sequencing can benefit your research.
Our NGS Service:
- Free shipping
- Free barcodes
- Free consulting*
NGS is not complicated. We offer consulting made for newbies.
Our mission is to help you find the best solution for your specific application. That’s why we are passionate about understanding your individual challenges and showing you the most convenient way to tackle them by using our application-focused NGS services. You don’t have to figure out the answers to all your questions on your own: If you’re new to NGS, we offer you 60 minutes of personalized, one on one consulting*. So don’t hesitate. Get your free NGS consulting now!
NGS is versatile. These are some of our most popular INVIEW applications.
For genomes up to 180 Mb:
- Identification of genetic variations & mutations
- Disease pathway analysis
- Breeding studies
- Production strain optimisation
- Metabolic engineering
Explore / Discover
- Transcript identification
- Gene expression comparison
- High-throughput screening
- New transcripts/splicing variants
- Structural RNA information
- Nearly any organism of interest
Profiling 3.0
Microbial population analysis:
- In environmental, food, or clinical samples
- Sequencing of hypervariable 16S rRNA or ITS gene regions
- Optional sequencing of customer-specific PCR products
Benefit from one of the best next-generation sequencing platforms in the market

The groundbreaking NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System leverages the proven Illumina technology, which our customers know from our MiSeq and HiSeq-based services, and redefines the possibilities of high-throughput sequencing. Its unprecedentedly high throughput and scalability allow us at Eurofins Genomics to offer our customers the most advanced next-generation sequencing technology – more economically than ever. The Illumina NovaSeq 6000 system comes with a broad portfolio of library preparation kits and supports single-read and paired-end sequencing, with read lengths of up to 2 x 250 bp. This allows us to run your samples at virtually any scale from single cells to an entire population.
* Consulting for a first time customer is limited to 2 x 30 minutes and only by prior appointment.