The effect of genes drug response
Achieve optimum therapeutic effects and avoid unwanted side effects

Drugs do not affect everyone to the same degree. 90% of the top-selling medications only help 30-50% of the patients treated. The reason are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that lead to varying enzyme activities, different phenotypes and adverse drug reactions.
Millions of people affected by
Adverse drug reactions
Millions of people are affected by adverse drug reactions (ADRs) every year:
- ADRs are the most common cause of hospitalisation
- ADRs are the fourth or sixth leading cause of death (depending on the western country)
- ADRs have a major impact on healthcare costs
Comprehensive and pre-emptive PGx screening within the framework of the health systems could reduce this cause of death by 34%, saving tens of thousands of lives and billions in costs.

Microarrays – The effective pharmacogenomics solution
Complete & easily implemented cost-effective pharmaco-genomics solutions

Pharmacogenomics solution
By Eurofins Genomics Denmark, the largest genotyping facility in Europe

Our sample-to-answer process provides convenient solutions:

We combine Global Clinical Research Arrays (GCRA) and enhanced pharmacogenomics to provide the most accurate and comprehensive PGx platform on the market today.
Our solution covers:
- 100% of CPIC genes of priority level A and B.
- Over 6,000 variants from globally recognised PGx databases, incl. PharmGKB1, CPIC2,
PharmVar3 and ClinVar4. - Over 44,000 genome-wide PGx markers spanning more than 2,000 pharmacogenomic targets.
- Targeted gene amplification (TGA) step: accurate genotyping of critical genes like CYP2D6, CYP2B6 and TPMT.
- Accurate CNV calling of seven important pharmaco-genes including CYP2D6.
Eurofins Genomics offers sample collection kit manufacturing that fits the logistic setup and local regulative landscape
We reliably supply CE IVDR 2022 accredited kits and logistics to end user or health care providers.
Eurofins can produce sample collection kits based on customer specifications in local languages complying with local regulation.
Example for provided kits:
- Custom kit box
- Overpack wrapper box for custom kit box
- Let’s begin booklet
- Saliva container / Buccal swap
- Snazzypack specimen bag
- Return mail bag
- Barcode label sheets
- Integral paper
- Return to sender label
- Return shipping Label (UPS)
- Stamp label